HE&OR and Real World Evidence
The WIG2 Institute is an independent and neutral research service provider with key competencies in health system research, health economic evaluation as well as Real-World-Evidence (RWE). Our research and project work is supported by a network of external advisors from science, medical practice and industry. Therefore, WIG2 closely cooperates with universities and medical professionals. The institute‘s main clients are ministries, health insurance funds and their associations as well as companies in the pharmaceutical and medical technology sectors.
Our interdisciplinary teams combine profound knowledge of the German health care system and its regulatory and financing systems. Industry experience and a comprehensive understanding of current mathematical and health- economic methods as well as evidence-based medicine ensure the high quality of our work.
Health Economic Evaluations

The complete or partial evaluation of health technologies with regard to costs, health outcomes and/or relation between these two.
- Partial Evaluations (one treatment alternative)
- Intervention costs analysis
"How much does an intervention cost?" - Intervention health outcomes analysis
"How effective is an intervention?"
- Intervention costs analysis
- Complete Evaluations (two or more treatment alternatives)
- Cost-effectiveness analysis*
"Which is the incremental cost for an additional natural unit of effectiveness of an intervention versus another?" - Cost-utility analysis*
"Which is the incremental cost for an additional quality adjusted year (QALY) of an intervention versus another?" - Cost-minimization analysis*
"Which of the interventions has the least treatment costs, when the health outcomes are proven to be same?“" - Cost-Benefit*
"Which of the interventions has the biggest monetary benefit?“
- Cost-effectiveness analysis*
*Price-Scenarios under Consideration of the efficiency frontier or other thresholds.
Systematic Literature Review

The systematic search, evaluation and qualitative and quantitative summary of individual studies.
- With Meta-Analysis
Burden of Disease-Studies

The consequences of a disease with regard to its morbidity, mortality, monetary costs and other indicators.
- Morbidity and mortality
„How many patients suffer and die from of a disease in a certain time horizon?“ - Monetary costs
„Which are the associated treatment costs from a disease under a specifi c perspective and a certain time horizon?“
Patient Journey-Analysis

A comprehensive view of treatment pathways in a real world setting.
- Therapy
“Does the patient’s treatment follow the official Guidelines?” - Diagnosis
“Which is the assigned diagnosis from a patient receiving a specific therapy?”
Budget Impact-Analysis

The evaluation of the expected budget expenditure after the introduction a health technology, with regard to its assumed target population, treatment adherence, market share and total treatment costs.
Decision-Analytic Models
Mathematical frameworks that represent an abstraction of a health problem, and can therefore achieve a full estimation of clinical and monetary endpoint parameters for one or different courses of treatment.
- Cohort Models
- Decision Trees
- Markov-Models
- Individual Level Based
- Mikrosimulations
- Discrete Event Simulations (DES)
Analysis basis
- Anonymized patient data representative of the German Statutory Health Insurance (GKV - gesetzliche Krankenkassen)
- A wide range of longitudinal data from insured patients:
- Patient Demographics (ex. Age and gender)
- Treatment Information (ex. Diagnosis, health services, prescribers)
- Costs and assignments from the health funds.
References (selected)
- Cost-effectiveness Analysis of the Treatment Alternatives for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (FPI).
- Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of iDPP4 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
- Economic Impact of a Vaccination Program.
- Cost Distribution Analysis Related to the Use of Tyrosine-Kinase Inhibitors (TKI) and the Combination of Pemetrexed/Cisplatin in the Treatment of Non-
Small Cell Lung Cancer. - Representation of the Treatment Reality of Patients with Melanoma.
- Epidemiological and Treatment Analysis of different Tumor-related Diseases.
- Patient Journey Analysis of Patients with Cataract.
Target group
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Medical Technology
- Biotechnology
- eHealth