Data Science in Health (DSH)
Data Science in Health (DSH) aims to become the leading academic journal that offers a forum for research on all forms of data analysis, health economics, information systems and data based health service research, focusing mainly on the interaction of those four fields. Our first issue is planned to be published in 2020/2021. DSH is a (quarterly,) scholarly journal that covers diverse aspects of data science in health and is fully peer reviewed. Submission will be reviewed in a double-blind peer review process by at least two independent reviewers. Our editorial board consists of leading scientists in the statistics, information systems, health and economics field. DSH offers a platform for research from diverse methodological directions, including quantitative empirical research as well as qualitative contributions. We welcome research from a medical, technological, political and societal perspective. DSH's general research section is open for submissions at all times. Additionally, DSH addresses specific topics in its special issue sections.
Please contact us for further information on submissions or the journal in general!
Dr. Carsta Militzer-Horstmann
Head of Scientific Development and Science Management
e-mail: carsta.militzer-horstmann(at)wig2(dot)de